
Silsila Pak

Our Silsila Pak is very unique, our Sarkar Pak (spiritual master) have attained spirituality from 4 different Silsilas. Our Peer brothers and Sisters are situated all over the world i.e. Pakistan ,UK, Australia, Canada, South Africa and many more.

We often read or hear about famous Awliya Allah that were amongst us hundreds of years ago and the type of spirituality that they were blessed with. Never did anyone expect that such an example is still amongst us today in the form of Sarkar Pak. Secrets that were only shared by the special few are made common with the blessings of our Murshad Pak. Only the few that understand this path will appreciate what it means for a Shaykh to be able to bless someone with Qalbi Zikr.

Qalbi Zikr is a blessing which only a few individuals are blessed with experiencing.

The benefits of Qalbi Zikr are many;

  •  Nearness to Allah
  •  Contentment
  •  Success in Deen and Duniya
  •  Inner purity

Thus becoming a practical example for others.

As Judgement day is getting closer, our Sarkar Pak has made spirituality easier to attain than ever before. The objective of our Silsila Pak is to help as much of Prophet Muhammad (salallahu alais wassallum) Ummah as possible. Many people have the concept in their minds that to be religious,you have to be totally secluded from worldly life, this is not the case. Duniya must be accepted through Deen. The majority of the world concentrate on outer appearances without tackling or even being aware of the ailments of the Nafs inside them. This is why you often see muslims who appear religious but their character does not show it. While Nafs is present inside you, you are a slave to it. Only with the Nisbat of a Kamil Murshad can the Nafs move up the three levels:-

  1. Nafs Ammarra
  2. Nafs Lawammah
  3. Nafs Mutmaina

Our Sarkar Pak teaches us how to reach Nafs Mutmaina (a state where your Nafs becomes tame). At this stage you are no longer a slave to the Nafs. This website does not contain pages and pages of text for knowledge because some knowledge is transmitted from Qalb-to-Qalb.

The blessed Quran and the blessed Hadith contain knowledge in great levels of depth, exoteric (outer knowledge) and esoteric (inner knowledge). Majority of people understand the exoteric concepts but very few have manage to grasp the esoteric science. The special few who have are the Awliya Allah.

Our contact details are listed in the appropriate section, if there are any questions that you want to ask, do not hesitate to contact.

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  • Shajra Sharif