

Prophet Muhammed (peace be upon him) said,


The spread of Islam in the Sub continent is mainly due to the efforts of Sufis who through their excellent character and teachings represent the perfect image of Islam. Examples of such saints are Data Ali Hajweri RA, Khwaja Gharib Nawaz RA and Hazrat Sultan Bahu RA. Awliya Allah spend all their lives striving against their nafs and spreading Islam in perfect manner. The Awliya Allah are spread into various Silsilas i.e. Naqshbandi, Chishti and Qadri and many more, these Silsilas adopt various methods which when put into practice help an indiviual get closer to Allah. They teach the ummah how to become better muslims and reach spiritual perfection. My brothers and sisters, it’s not easy to find a Kamil Murshad, it is even more difficult to find a Murshad who gives you Qalbi Zikr. There is no student in our Silsila Pak who has not been blessed with this form of Zikr Pak on the day they gave Bayt.

There are many websites that discuss tassawwuf in great detail, you learn of terms such as Nafs, Lataifs, Muraqba, Muhasbah, Mujaidah … this list can go on. Instead of reading through pages and pages to understand such terminology, it is better to attend gatherings where such topics are discussed and experienced. In such blessed gatherings you will hear personal accounts of Mushaidas (experiences) and how peoples lives have changed for the better. All over the world in our Silsila Pak regular gatherings take place on every Monday (Milad Sharif) and every Thursday (Bayade Faqr Sharif).  The ultimate goal is to reach allah (swt) but this can only be done once the Nafs (read Silsila Pak section) has been controlled. A very famous sufi Baba Bulleh Shah Sarkar RA has described the ultimate goal in such a manner:

Makkay gayaan, gal mukdee naheen
Pawain sow sow jummay parrh aaeey

Going to Makkah is not the ultimate
Even if hundreds of prayers are offered

Ganga gayaan, gal mukdee naheen
Pawain sow sow gotay khaeeay

Going to River Ganges is not the ultimate
Even if hundreds of cleansing (Baptisms) are done

Gaya gayaan gal mukdee naheen
Pawain sow sow pand parrhaeeay

Going to Gaya is not the ultimate
Even if hundreds of worships are done

Bulleh Shah gal taeeyon mukdee
Jadon May nu dillon gawaeeay

Bulleh Shah the ultimate is
When the “I” is removed from the heart!

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  • Shajra Sharif